Wednesday May 15, 2024

From We Quit 20 Years Later to She's Got a Halo to Speeider

Wendy shared with us a very entertaining origin story. To paraphrase, who does that...marry the same guy twice? But the fortune cookie's message was spot on!
Marion is an on camera coach helping you get super comfortable, but she had an experience where...well, her late night videoing caused her to have a halo on her head 😆
I, Jaycie, shared about our speeider adventures all within a few days of each other. Oy! Thankfully, I like some spiders, but the one I didn't recognize was at first - in my son's words - "terrifying". Of course, the littlest was not the little "guy" I thought I was talking to. Nope she said, "Run babies, run!" 😳
Watch this episode now!
Wendy Macdowell - The Relationship Nerd
Marion Nixon - Transformation Mindset Coach ________________________________________________________ Your Host: Jaycie Cormac - Rebel Storytelling Coach 🔥 🎤
Are you ready to discover YOUR stories and how to share them when the time is just right so you can not only be entertaining, but attract YOUR people and connect with your DREAM clients?
The PILOT program of Stories on Fire is launching in June 2024. This is a chance to get direct coaching from Jaycie (even private coaching will be available and it's RARE to get access to that with Jaycie nowadays). But, even more is the supportive, safe space with your entrepreneurial sisters and the absolute fun you'll have while learning and practicing.

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